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Asphalt paving can give the best return on your investment compared to other types of paving. Unlike concrete pavements, a properly designed and constructed asphalt pavement rarely needs to be removed or replaced. It is difficult to rehabilitate a concrete pathway cost-effectively after it reaches the end of its design life. To enjoy the benefits of long-lasting smooth asphalt pavement, you should maintain it proactively. This blog brings you the important dos and don’ts to remember to ensure the longevity of your asphalt pavement.


Choosing a quality paving contractor is one of the important factors in maintaining smooth pavements. Our team at K-W Cornerstone has a wide portfolio and work history in a variety of industries. We work with precision and efficiency, taking care of finer details while you plan the bigger picture.

As soon as your driveway or parking lot is paved, you should plan your steps for effective maintenance and repair. Follow these important dos for a long-lasting quality asphalt pavement.

1.      Don't drive on a newly paved surface for the first 24 hours. You can wait longer in summers. This time is known as cure time. It is the time asphalt needs to dry completely.

2.      If you have not used sod for landscaping, use sifted topsoil for the new asphalt. Using sod is important as some soils can react with the asphalt leading to minor flaking at the bevel edge.

3.      Avoid oil spills on the asphalt surface. Oil weakens asphalt and leads to cracking.

4.      Use crack seal products on the asphalt surface as soon as cracks appear. You might find cracks on asphalt surface over time. Water can penetrate the cracks and eventually degrade the stability of the base course of pavement. A failed base course might result in alligator cracks or potholes. Invest in quality crack sealing services to avoid costly repairs and to elongate the life of your asphalt pavement.


Don’t do the following after an asphalt paving project:

1.      Don’t park your vehicles exactly at the same spot every time. It might result in impressions or low spots on the pavement surface.


2.      Don’t seal coat a new asphalt surface for a minimum of two to three years. Additives used in outside seal-coaters can result in cracks if applied so soon. You should seal coat the asphalt every three to five years. It acts as an effective sunscreen as it creates a barrier that protects asphalt surface from harmful UV rays, water and vehicle fluids.


3.      Don’t neglect asphalt maintenance. Invest in regular preventive maintenance as the years pass by. Cleaning and upkeep practices prolong the life of asphalt pavements significantly and will help you get the most of your investment. To know more, read our blog on ‘when to replace or repair your paving.’


Contact us to schedule an appointment or for a personal consultation with one of our trained associates.






St. Jacobs





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